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How Can I Reduce My Car Insurance Costs?

Reducing Car Insurance Costs

For many people, the primary cost of their car is the insurance. This is especially true if you own a luxury car or own your vehicle outright. The thrift-minded among us are always looking for ways to save a few bucks. So if you’re car insurance cost is just too high, here are some tips.

Combine Policies

Just like the cable company (*yeck*), insurance companies will reward you for more business. If you pay for renters or homeowners insurance in addition to your car, look into combining the policies. You may be able to get a significant discount just by having them with the same company.

Keep it Clean

As frustrating as that 35 MPH speed limit is, keeping your record clean can drastically reduce your car insurance costs. Accidents and moving violations tend to stay on your insurance record for a few years. So while you make not see benefits right away, this is one of the most effective ways of reducing your premiums. (And it keeps you alive!)

Up Deductibles

Many times there are changes that can be made in your deductibles and coverages, as well as your life style that can reduce your costs. An independent agent may propose safely measures that help you earn discounts or tell you how to combine coverages or policies to save money.

Other Options

  • Take a defensive driving course.
    Contact your insurance agent to see if they offer discounts for clients who have completed driving courses.
  • Change your vehicle.
    Certain vehicles, like hot rods, suffer from higher insurance costs. When you’re looking for a new car, try calling your agent and getting low-premium vehicle recommendations.