- Any organization that travels overseas
- Damages or injuries an employee causes while in another country
- Employees out of country facing: injury or death, medical needs or emergency evacuation
- When employees travel to certain countries where kidnapping is more common
Cost Factors
- Where you are going?
- What you are doing?
- How long you are doing it?
- How many people are going?
- Are you renting vehicle while there?
Claim Examples
- Damage to property caused by an employee traveling
- Employee is injured on the job overseas (Workers Comp only covers U.S)
- Liability due to and auto accident while an employee is driving in another country
- Employee becomes serious ill while on a foreign trip
Many U.S. companies with foreign exposures buy a Foreign Package Policy that contains a number of coverages such as:
- Foreign General Liability
- Foreign Contingent Business Auto
- Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation
- Foreign Property
- Kidnap And Extortion
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment
- Emergency Travel Services.